Great post, truly!! I can’t wait to hear the Eminem remake and Jacob’s second video.

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Thank you - both are well worth a listen. When I think of Lose Yourself I hear Kasey's version in my head, not Eminem's!

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I heard her rendition.. Crazy!! Wow..

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I love this. I am in the midst of writing a newsletter that relates to your topic today (emotional expression in art).

What I find interesting is, that even though you wanted to convey the feelings of joy and summer lightness - the photographs evoke something different in me. Some of these images I find rather unsettling. Maybe because I am not a surfer or because someone pushed me into a deep pool when I was four and couldn‘t swim yet. Who knows… But that doesn‘t make them bad photos for me. I actually quite like the ones which do that. I find them far more interesting, than the ones that convey the ‚summer feeling‘ because I feel a deeper connection with them.

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Susanne, I completely understand this reaction. I think this is why I put the last two images together - one of a girl well underwater and then a boy breaking through the surface. It gives a sense of the hidden danger of surf when you suddenly find yourself at the mercy of forces in a foreign environment (I was a very strong swimmer and have found myself in very scary situations).

Have you checked out Trent Parkes' The Seventh Wave series? It's brilliant.

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Yes, the hidden sense of danger was something I saw in these images too. And I am not familiar with that series, but I am intrigued now!

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Fascinating perspective James! I'm not musically inclined at all, but its really interesting to hear what creators in other genres say about their work and to consider that in relation to what we do. Those immersive photos in the surf are compelling and make me want to try new things with my GoPro as well!

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Thanks Erik. Creativity is all about learning a language and applying it to say something new, regardless of the medium. I got my action camera because too often I was risking my phone to take video in poor conditions. These things have great battery life and pretty industructable. Go for it.

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I’ve used mine almost exclusively for filming. The ultra wide lens and inability to focus close up deterred me from using it for photos, but the way you have used yours here is giving me new ideas!

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A really interesting read James and lots of food for thought. I love your immersive images and their abstract nature. I think they really give the viewer a sense of what it was like to be in the middle of the surf.

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Thanks Gill, I am glad you enjoyed the images. And even more pleased to have provided food for thought! I think being able to talk about an image (at the right level) is such an important skill - I have been blown away by a few people I have been lucky enough to talk to. Usually they are older, reflecting a lifetime of work, which is why Jacob Collier is so special (so young!).

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