Nice to find you here James, and congratulations on your NLPA award.

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Excellent post! I am almost entirely self taught and have become ravenous about learning.

Would you suggest first identifying a skill to work on and THEN going out to improve it, regardless of the conditions? Or do you see what conditions exist and then identify what specific skill is needed to make the best of it? Or maybe a combination of both?

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I agree, never stop learning...also, from the journey of others...and self-learning is the best way to work your neurons in my opinion, I agree less with seeking feedback for an artist, be confident to be you and do you...it doesn’t matter what people think...Art is not a business, it drives business...

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Great read! Interesting approach to get you out there and photograph. And congratulations on the competition! It is a wonderful image. The light and mood is fantastic! Makes me want to be there...

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